Power of JS & CSS Bundler and minifier
When we build any website or app, our objective is to give the user a smooth experience and keep user active. To achieve the objective we should make sure that assets (i.e. CSS, JS) are loaded quickly. Assets are bundled and minified to improve the load request time.
Let’s go through the bundling & manification process one by one.
Bundling: Yes, you are thinking correctly “tie or roll up together”. Here, we roll up JS /CSS to make one JS /CSS file. This means fewer http request and better page load performance.


Minification : it means reduce the total file size .In this various optimisation is performed, such as removing comments ,white space and shorting the variable name .

Impact on Load time when CSS is minified in below sample application: Load time is reduced nearly by 50% .

There are many libraries available for bundling and minifcation .
Let’s explore more .